Nigeria-2023: Crying Aloud for the Youth II
Nigeria-2023: Crying Aloud for the Youth II By Prof MK Othman As discussed in the first part of this piece, some parents belabor and overpamper their children, doing everything possible to make them live the sunny side of life. There is another category of parents who shirk away their parental responsibilities. About two weeks ago, there was a program on Freedom FM Radio, Kaduna, which featured a story of an Islamic Scholar who led a team on Da’awah visit to the Correction Center (formally known as “prison”) in Kaduna. At the center, the team came across a young man who gave his father’s name and address in Kaduna town. Afterward, Islamic Scholar traced the father ostensibly to discuss how the young man can be rehabilitated after the young man’s sentence. The Islamic Scholar was shocked by the confession of the father. The man confessed to having 24 children but can only remember the names of four and was aware of the whereabouts of two and had no idea of the whereabouts and what ...