Economic Hardship: Nigeria Should Have No Business with Hunger II
Economic Hardship: Nigeria Should Have No Business with Hunger II By Prof. M.K. Othman How can we triple or quadruple the current irrigable land? This question was posed in the first part of this piece last week. In 1998, out of Nigeria's 320,000 hectares planned for irrigation, only 97,000 hectares were developed, and only 70,000 hectares were used for irrigation under the public irrigation system. Twenty years later, not much was achieved; available information from the work of Ocheja indicates the existence of 92 irrigation schemes, with 57 in the north and 35 in the south. The 92 irrigation schemes have 413,394 hectares of irrigable land, but only 100,300 ha were developed, with 35,127 ha under irrigation, indicating 35.02 percent capacity utilization. In addition to public irrigation schemes, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated a total irrigation potential at 2.0 million ha under fadama (floodplain areas) nationwide. However, less than 25 perc...