Re: President-elect, Tinubu: Rerouting Nigeria’s Pathway to Glory

 Re: President-elect, Tinubu: Rerouting Nigeria’s Pathway to Glory


Prof MK Othman

The above title is the most topical issue of recent times. Nigeria is at a crossroads and every Nigerian is eager to have our marching towards a glorious future where we shall all be happy and proud to be. Nobody is contesting the desires of Nigerians to have a vibrant nation converting its huge potential resources into tangible assets for the benefit and goodness of Nigerians and other Africans.  The 3-piece article on the President-elect attracted verities of views from my esteemed readers, which are difficult to share. However, it is important to select a few of such views that critiqued my opinion to give the readers a wider view. Today, I am presenting some edited views on this all-important topic. Happy reading.

Prof, this is an interesting article on how to revamp education by the incoming President. My question is what can we do to ensure that graduates of our universities are fully baked and not half-baked as described? Is it that the time given for their SIWES (students industrial works experience scheme) is not enough to expose them to the practical aspect of their courses?  Thank you, sir.

Engr Yemi Oyelade 

Good morning Prof, the question on half-baked can be described as omnibus; given in volumes by several people in several ways at fora on several occasions at several times. The summary; which I may not be qualified to offer but trying to attempt is to first define what 'half-baked' means in concrete agreement. This will help us to define our goal and identify the model we want to adopt, create or follow in terms of space and time since development is a process. Then, we can see and identify the gaps existing at present. We can then apply the simple production parameters of Input, Process, and Output. Since the goal has been clearly defined earlier, we have already the output. All we need to worry about are the inputs and processes. We know the inputs, major among which is Students (intake, preparations, knowledge gaps, behavioral patterns, etc). All these are outside the purview of our 'half-baked' graduates but very key to the product. Now the process is the meat for engagement comprising- Infrastructure, curriculum, staff, and funds majorly. All four factors must be exhaustively analyzed. Take Staff for example - Issues like suitability, qualifications, exposure, character, experience, dedication, capacity, adequacy number, remuneration, and a host of other parameters that would ensure the delivery of the set goal would be put in place. In Germany, a place that I passed through at a point in this small little time that I have spent on this journey, emphasis is laid on technical know-how. Students and faculty spend time in both classrooms and industries regularly like dual citizenship arrangements. Issues in their industries form the projects and research topics for the classes when they are in the classroom. So, my submission is this. It is demanding but doable if we have the will and follow a systematic way of doing it. Let me quickly remind us again that ab initio, I already admitted that I adjudged myself as unqualified, this is just my uninformed view.

Prof Emmanuel Ajisegiri 

Having no godfather, BAT may be free to use the best brains. On education, any measure that will make ASUU not go on strike during his time is highly welcome. Payment of the outstanding strike period salary out of compassion should be enough incentive. In addition to improved budgetary consideration.  He should surrender secondary education totally to the states. No more unity schools. I may not agree that university education should be given undue preference over poly/mono-technics. In any case, a University education is not for everyone.

Engr. (Dr) Richard Akinbamowo 

 Only education and agriculture are the priorities he should focus on? How will they progress with the dilapidated power sector functioning for the education sector to be woken up or the nonexistent security and infrastructure for the agricultural sector to boom?  I just pray that he would not do what PMB did by waiting for six months to have a functioning cabinet while leaving the most corrupt sector of government (civil servants) and their cronies running things. With the hard-fought electoral process, one would expect that BAT should have the key positions filled down the ladder to hit the ground running.


Prof., there is nothing biased about prioritizing education, particularly university education, Prof. Countries that have developed the educational sector continue to place a premium on education. Tony Blair, during his time, said the priority of his government was education, education, education.  I hope BAT will uphold his promise to the country about prioritizing education. Prof, I cannot wait to read the next episode on agriculture and the other development strategies you are proposing for BAT.

Alhaji Aliyu Dalha

Wow, what an interesting topic of today, it is a good sense, indeed if these two, education and agriculture sectors are to be looked at carefully, then, Nigeria Inshallah will be a great one. Sorry for being biased in your emphasis on education, I prayed that all mistakes of the past administration in the field of agriculture shall be corrected and improved upon. In summary, Your 3-piece article is indeed an interesting piece, especially since it is related to my area of specialization, Sir, To said the truth, you are the best agricultural professor whom I know from outside my University (B.U.K), and you are versatile, you have done justice to the topic. May Allah continue to bless your knowledge, Sir. Amen thumma amen,

Shurabil Idris 

Aameen. It'll be of great importance if the two thematic areas are considered by the incoming Government. If all the suggestions made are taken seriously, Nigeria will move up the ladder of development.

Dr. Adams Tijjani

Prof, you have sounded the greatest bell of alarm. However, I hope and pray that the president-elect may give heed to this precious piece. We pray to Allah to guide the president-elect to deliver Nigeria from her present State.

Yakubu Yunusa Sakpe


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